Solar Energy: Benefits and Negative Sides

solar energy
solar energy

Solar energy provides several advantages over traditional energy sources, including the potential to correct faults in previously thought-to-be unchangeable systems. The sun is a magnificent and renewable resource that has the power to sustain life on Earth by giving all of its inhabitants clean, renewable energy. More energy from the sun reaches our planet in an hour than the entire world’s population consumes in a year.

What are the Benefits of Solar Energy?

Photovoltaic modules collect solar energy and transform it into electrical energy which can use for various purposes. Solar energy is everywhere and it can use easily in remote areas. Because solar modules have no moving parts, it requires low maintenance cost.

As you can see, solar energy has a lot of benefits. There are no limits to the number of raw resources available, and they are all renewable. Solar energy emits very little carbon dioxide. Solar panels do not contaminate the environment, however, the manufacturing and construction process is costly to the environment.

These environmental costs are relatively low. Solar energy is ideal for remote regions without electricity access. Solar energy provides jobs that seem to be environmentally friendly. Solar panels don’t produce any noise considering they don’t have any mechanical components. Solar electricity is cost-effective in the long run. Solar panels and installation have a high upfront cost, however, this is quickly compensated by energy bill savings. They may even generate a profit from its use in the future. Solar energy is dependable. Solar energy reduces the use of foreign energy. Many countries spend a considerable portion of their earnings on imported oil for electricity generation.

What are the Negative Sides of Solar Energy?

Converting sunlight to energy can be done in a variety of ways. Solar power facilities, on the other hand, typically necessitate enormous land expanses and a lot of water. The steam turbine must be cooled, and solar panels and reflecting surfaces must be cleaned. Aside from that, nothing is known about the specific animal implications of solar energy development.

Solar energy potential in the United States is greatest in the southwestern deserts, which are closest to the equator and have the least amount of cloud cover. This area overlaps with the range of the Agassiz desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), an ecological engineer species that digs burrows that other animals utilize to escape the desert’s extreme heat.

The expansion of solar plants often eliminates vegetation and emits dust, and the installation and maintenance of the facilities might cause animal burrows to collapse. Large solar installations’ dust emissions can impede desert plants’ gas exchange, photosynthesis, and water use, while heat emissions could disrupt sex ratios in animal species whose sex is decided by incubation temperatures.

Solar energy plants have been rapidly expanding in California and Nevada’s the Mojave Desert. Although there is abundant space outside of high conservation value areas to build solar installations, much development has happened in critical natural ecosystems, potentially affecting desert species. Each year, utility-scale solar energy development kills an estimated 38 000–138 000 birds in the United States (16,000–59,000 in southern California).

Solar panels appear to some aquatic insects to resemble bodies of water, attracting mayflies, caddisflies, long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae), and tabanid flies to lay eggs on them, squandering their reproductive effort or exposing them to increased predation danger. Microclimates beneath solar panels are frequently affected; at a UK solar park, decreased temperature (by up to 5.2 C) and increased dryness resulted in a 74% reduction in plant biomass, as well as decreases in diversity and photosynthetic rates. These changes, on the other hand, may improve local biodiversity, particularly in areas where heat and dryness are limiting factors for species’ growth.

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Etamoni Chakma

Hi, I'm Etamoni Chakma, an environmental science professional and top-rated academic writer on Upwork. With my education and research experience, I aim to create informative and inspiring content advocating for environmental protection. My passion is to educate and encourage people to take action for the betterment of our planet.

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