Green Building: Can Heal Diseases and Boost Immune System

green buildings


Green building, the newfangled innovation in the building design, construction, operation, and maintenance system intended to create positive impacts on the environment and climate system while eliminating the negative effects. The efficient use of energy, water, non-toxic, and sustainable materials, enhanced use of renewable energy, proper waste management system, reuse, and recycling of resources, indoor and outdoor air quality, etc. make green building more convenient.


There are multiple benefits of green building and it also places a landmark on achieving global goals including reducing climate change, developing sustainable, thriving communities, and supporting economic growth. Now, the social and health benefits of green building are eye-catching and boundless.

Contextual Studies

A study found that employees working in a green and well-ventilated environment can record a 101% increase in cognitive scores. Furthermore, research advises that up to 8% of performance improvements can be achieved just by better indoor air quality. In the U.S. green building prevented 54,000 respiratory symptoms, 21,000 lost days of work, 16,000 lost days of school, 11,000 asthma exacerbations, 172 to 405 premature deaths, and 171 hospital admissions.



Indoor Air Quality

It is a bitter truth that urban city dwellers spend around 90% of their time indoors increasing their distance from beautiful nature. Accordingly, a green environment in the building evokes living plants, natural sunlight, green walls, thermal comfort, natural air ventilation, timber exteriors, and patterns. All these assists to reduce stress and increase the positive physiological and psychological impacts on humans.

Conventional buildings hamper health conditions by their poor ventilation process and lower indoor air quality with toxic chemicals. The sustainable design of buildings can improve the working and living conditions by promoting a healthy and safe environment for city dwellers.

Air quality is a crucial environmental factor. However, a living environment with high humidity and carbon dioxide can make residents feel suffocating and exhausted. A person feels more stress, allergies, and depression in airless conditions while inhaling volatile organic compounds (VOC) or toxic chemicals.


The utmost indoor air pollutants VOC emitted from paints and coatings, and formaldehyde from furnished products. Moreover, contaminants can also get mixed with breathable air by the artificial ventilation system. Green building emphasizes the use of paints and coatings, adhesives, and sealants containing an acceptable level of VOC. A zone for smoking can be supportive to avoid the mixing of polluted air with breathable air. We know that passive smoking is much more injurious to health than the smoker. Simply maintaining a distance between air intake and exhaust it is possible to avert the intercourse of pollutants with fresh air by the HVAC system.

Thus, better ventilation can recover indoor air quality, lessen employee absenteeism, and upsurge efficiency, and creativity.    


Proper Daylight and Air Circulation

Natural light not only helps in saving energy but also makes a resident happier and reduces strain on the eyes. Active design in green buildings sustains a space for streetscapes for walking and cycling that can assist in lessening obesity and related diseases. A greener environment is a natural healer to mental health making occupants more comfortable, happier, and full of life.

Appropriate air circulation decontaminates the space, abundant sunlight provides vitamin D, and daylight boosts up the immune system and mental health. A patient’s recovery significantly depends on the indoor environmental quality that raises the self-immune and enables a person mentally strong enough to fight against any disease. The COVID situation has made it crucial to home quarantine in a chamber with improved indoor air quality.


Urban Agriculture

Health is wealth and regular eating of fresh food and vegetables keeps us healthy and active. But the covid-19 and lockdown situation has made it problematic to get fresh food and vegetables regularly.



Green Buildings often endorse urban agriculture, vertical gardening, and community farming to safeguard the supply of fresh vegetables and fruits for the inhabitants and service them to stay home, healthy, and safe. Urban farming does not require a large space. The nutrient-intense food also protects residents from obesity, malnutrition, diabetes, and other health issues that can arise from food produced or stored by using chemicals.


Greenery in Workspace

Urban inhabitants spend most of their time inside buildings and likewise, buildings shape human health directly. If we have a glance at the condition of slums, most of the occupants are exposed to various health issues, risks, and illnesses. Unsanitary housing and indoor air pollutants are the major reasons. However, the health impacts of buildings are not limited to the slum’s environment.




Through research activities, it is proved that the design of office buildings also has a significant effect on employees’ health and well-being.

An inquiry was conducted in the administration offices of Northwest University to find out the relation between quality, daylighting, and sick leave of employees. The findings conclude that improved indoor air quality reduces employees’ absence rate and working in better daylight and views took 6.5% fewer sick leaves. A research study briefed that employees’ sick leave was 35% lower in offices with greater outdoor air circulation.

Another case study in Singapore disclosed that naturally ventilated buildings provide more thermal comfort compared to air-conditioned buildings.

Spiritual Values

In a study, it was found that the value of a place with a garden increases by 10% within 5 years. We all like to spend time with beautiful scenery, a proper thermal environment, gentle air, and no noise. Green buildings can create such a kind of environment where people will be spiritually motivated to enjoy their moment after having a great workload. Such kind of recreational places also help in community involvement where everyone can share their happy moments, problems, and activities. Sharing and talking can help us to reduce our mental stress and green buildings and greener spaces can help us to keep physically and mentally fit.


Green technologies shape buildings and make them more sustainable and is destined to provide a healthier indoor and ambient quality environment. Better indoor air quality, more natural lighting indoors, better ambient air quality, less heat to pedestrians, and improved thermal comfort are the foremost health benefits of a green building system. Hence, green building is not only advantageous to the environment and economy but also supports the formation of a standard natural living condition to boost the immune system of inhabitants.

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Etamoni Chakma

Hi, I'm Etamoni Chakma, an environmental science professional and top-rated academic writer on Upwork. With my education and research experience, I aim to create informative and inspiring content advocating for environmental protection. My passion is to educate and encourage people to take action for the betterment of our planet.

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